
Tölt on ice!

A beautiful moment from Katie Sundin Brumpton in a tölt competition on ice.

Pace training- Cool down after pace

In the final part, Þórarinn Eymundsson (FT Master trainer and riding instructor at Hólar) talks about the importance of cooling down after pace sprints.

Pace training – Pace on the straight track

In the fifth part, Þórarinn Eymundsson (FT Master trainer and riding teacher at Hólar University) demonstrates pace runs on the straight track and explains what is important to bear in mind when...

Pace training – Preparation in walk and trot

Þórarinn Eymundsson (FT Master trainer and riding teacher at Hólar University) explains how to prepare the horse for pace training in walk and trot. Warm-up is very important in pace training.

Pace training- About pace

In these series, Þórarinn Eymundsson (FT Master trainer and teacher at Hólar University) gives detailed information about pace training. The first part gives a general overview on the gait pace.

Canter Training 1/2 – Left and right canter

In this video, Jóhanna Margrét Snorradóttir (B.Sc. in Riding and Riding Instructions from Hólar University) gives us insight into the gait canter and explains left and right canter. This knowledge is...

Canter Training 2/2 – Transitions

In part 2 of 2, Jóhanna Margrét Snorradóttir (B.Sc. in Riding and Riding Instructions) demonstrates canter training in an open space and focuses on transitions to canter from different gaits.

First Contact 3/3 – Picking up the Feet

In part 3 of 3, Helga Una Björnsdóttir (B.Sc. in Riding and Riding Instructions from Hólar University) shows how to pick up the feet of a green youngster for the first time. She also gives her a...

First Contact 2/3 – Putting on the Halter

In part 2 of 3, Helga Una Björnsdóttir (B.Sc. in Riding and Riding Instructions from Hólar University) shows how to put on the halter for the first time and how to introduce first work with the rope...

First Contact 1/3 – In the Stable

This video with Helga Una Björnsdóttir (B.Sc. in Riding and Riding Instructions from Hólar University) is about the first contact between the trainer and a young mare that has only been one day...

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